static void

Github and Appveyor

Published Sunday 29 March 2015

I finally moved my project "database schema reader" from Codeplex to Github.

Github import was simple and quick. I didn't import the historical issues (the project went on Codeplex in 2010, and it was a couple of years old then). I just added an "upstream" remote so I can still push to Codeplex and keep it updated. 

Codeplex comments and discussions are disabled at the moment; "we're anticipating that this functionality will be re-enabled early next week"! The codeplex blog hasn't been updated in 2 years, and the "codeplex" discussions are full of spam (fortunately I've never had spam in the project discussions). There are many third-party services that integrate with Github, but nothing links into Codeplex.

The main advantage of the move to Github was hooking into Appveyor for CI builds. It took a few builds to experiment with things. I'm using database integration tests with SqlServer, SQLite, PostgreSql and MySql. Now these are working, the tests are more portable - I can easily recreate the databases. The packaging of the builds (dlls into a zip, plus a nuget packages) was also easy, and can create releases within Github. The appveyor.yml file isn't the easiest way to configure builds, and I soon figured out it's better to use the website UI.

Overall, much better than TFS (ugh!) and TeamCity builds. I played a little with Travis CI (building in Mono), but for now it's not worth pursuing.

I tried Coverity for code analysis, which flagged a few (minor) things, but didn't seem to add a lot more than FxCop.

I looked at Coveralls,  a code coverage service. Code coverage is 77%, incidentally, which I think is quite good for something that includes code to support Oracle, DB2, Ingres, 3 different Sybase databases, VistaDb, Firebird and Intersystems Cache (for now, these must continue to be tested on my machine only.). I don't believe code coverage is very useful, so for now I won't include this into the Appveyor build.

I'm very impressed, and very happy with Appveyor.

Previously: .Net Versioning (23 Jul 2014)