static void

Convert HTML to XHTML

Designed for upgrading ASP 1.1 aspx to ASP 2.0, but could do any html (.html, .asp). Uses Html Agility Pack (comments include hacks for it)- see the version using regex - see the tests (and features).
The regex version preserves the original format of the html, and doesn't touch asp server controls. Html Agility Pack reformats more of the html, and closes tags as well.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.IO;
using System.Text;
using HtmlAgilityPack;

namespace XHtmlConvertor
/// <summary>
    /// Converts an HTML page to XHTML with Agility Pack. The original file is saved with an .orig extension.
    /// <para>Derived from <see cref="ConvertWithRegex"/>.</para>
    /// </summary>
    /// <remarks>
    /// <para>Singleton tags like br, br and input are automatically closed
    /// Unquoted attribute values are enclosed in quotes.
    /// Attributes with no values get values (selected="")
    /// Embedded server controls (in &lt;% /%&gt;) and asp server controls (&lt;asp:TextBox/&gt;)
    /// are ignored (and so is html inside them).
    /// The script attribute "language" is removed.
    /// </para>
    /// <para>AgilityPack may skip certain markup, or wrongly change certain things it shouldn't-
    /// hence the original source is saved with the .orig extension.</para>
    /// <para>Watch out: Unclosed Options are closed &lt;option%gt;1&lt;/select%gt;
    /// becomes &lt;option/%gt;1&lt;/select%gt;</para>
    /// <para>Note AgilityPack has a bug that closes the FORM tag. The fix is to change HtmlNode.cs line 89 from
    /// <code>ElementsFlags.Add("form", HtmlElementFlag.CanOverlap | HtmlElementFlag.Empty);</code> to
    /// <code>ElementsFlags.Add("form", HtmlElementFlag.CanOverlap);</code></para>
    /// <para>AgilityPack also lowercases asp server and user control elements and values.
    /// This is usually harmless, but I hacked it...</para>
    /// <para>In HtmlDocument add <code>public bool OptionOutputAsXHtml = false;</code></para>
    /// <para>In HtmlAttribute add <code>internal string NameOriginalCase {    
    /// get {return _ownerdocument._text.Substring(_namestartindex, _namelength);}
    /// }</code></para>
    /// <para>In HtmlNode add <code>private string NameOriginalCase { get {    return _ownerdocument._text.Substring(_namestartindex, _namelength); }}</code>,
    /// amend WriteAttribute(TextWriter outText, HtmlAttribute att) in first else <code>if (_ownerdocument.OptionOutputAsXHtml) {
    ///                name = att.Name;
    ///                if(Name.IndexOf(":") != -1) name = att.NameOriginalCase;
    ///            }
    ///            else //other if...</code>
    /// and amend WriteTo(TextWriter outText) case HtmlNodeType.Element <code>if (_ownerdocument.OptionOutputAsXHtml) {
    ///                    name = Name;
    ///                    if(Name.IndexOf(":") != -1) name = NameOriginalCase;
    ///                }
    ///                else //other if...</code></para>
    /// </remarks>
    /// <example>
    ///     //Folder.Text contains the directory
    ///     ConvertWithAgility c = new ConvertWithAgility();
    ///     c.ConvertDirectory(Folder.Text);
    ///     //show the last file converted in a TextBox
    ///     textBox1.Text = c.LastHtml;
    /// </example>
    public class ConvertWithAgility : ConvertWithRegex

/// <summary>
        /// Default constructor.
        /// </summary>
        public ConvertWithAgility()

/// <summary>
        /// overrides the
        /// </summary>
        protected override void Process()
HtmlDocument doc = new HtmlDocument();
            doc.OptionWriteEmptyNodes =
true; //autoclose hr, br etc
            doc.OptionOutputAsXHtml = true; //MJW extension to preserve case of server tags
            //NB AgilityPack has a bug- see top!
            HtmlNode root = doc.DocumentNode;

//capture the stream back into a string
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(sb);
            _fileContents = sw.ToString();
            _LastFileHtml = _fileContents;

private void CleanAttributes(HtmlNode root)
//xpath with language condition didn't seem to work
            HtmlNodeCollection col = root.SelectNodes(@"//script");
if (col != null)
foreach (HtmlNode script in col)
if (script.Attributes["language"] != null)

//look for <option selected>
            col = root.SelectNodes(@"//option");
if (col != null)
foreach (HtmlNode script in col)
if (script.Attributes["selected"] != null)
"selected"].Value = "selected";

            col = root.SelectNodes(
if (col != null)
foreach (HtmlNode input in col)
if (input.Attributes["checked"] != null)
"checked"].Value = "checked";
if (input.Attributes["readonly"] != null)
"readonly"].Value = "readonly";
if (input.Attributes["disabled"] != null)
"disabled"].Value = "disabled";

            col = root.SelectNodes(
if (col != null)
foreach (HtmlNode sel in col)
if (sel.Attributes["multiple"] != null)
"multiple"].Value = "multiple";
if (sel.Attributes["disabled"] != null)
"disabled"].Value = "disabled";

            col = root.SelectNodes(
if (col != null)
foreach (HtmlNode hr in col)
if (hr.Attributes["noshade"] != null)
"noshade"].Value = "noshade";