More NHibernate Queries
MultiQuery/ MultiCriteria
You can batch multiple queries in a single call. The Hql equivalent would use Multiquery; Criteria uses MultiCriteria.
//you can also use separate ICriterias with .Future / .FutureValue
IMultiCriteria multiCriteria = s.CreateMultiCriteria()
//"Restrictions" used to be "Expression"
.Add(Restrictions.Eq("Category.Id", 2))
//paging, 2nd page of 10
.SetFirstResult(10) //zero based
//add rowcount projection - NB: RowCountInt64 for long
.Add(Restrictions.Eq("Category.Id", 2))
var criteriaResults = multiCriteria.List();
IList<Product> products = (IList<Product>)criteriaResults[0];
int criteriaCount = (int)((IList)criteriaResults[1])[0];
MultiCriteria also works with NH 3.0's QueryOver.
//QueryOver.Of is equivalent to DetachedCriteria
var multiQueryOver = s.CreateMultiCriteria();
var pagedQuery = QueryOver.Of<Product>()
.Where(x => x.Category.Id == 2)
.OrderBy(x => x.Id).Asc
var countQuery = QueryOver.Of<Product>()
.Where(x => x.Category.Id == 2).ToRowCountQuery();
//named queries are a little easier to read than ordinals
.Add("Page", pagedQuery)
//projections have to be cast to specific type
.Add<int>("Count", countQuery);
//multiQueryOver.List() is implicit
var pagedResult = (IList<Product>)multiQueryOver.GetResult("Page");
//always get List<T>
var total = ((IEnumerable<int>)multiQueryOver.GetResult("Count")).Single();
Projecting to a DTO: Criteria
Projections to single value aggregations (such as counts) are simple with IQuery/ICriteria.UniqueResult<T>.
Projecting to multiple values (for a DTO/ViewModel etc) can be awkward, especially for Criteria. The generated SQL only selects the required columns- not everything. The Transformers.AliasToBean is an ugly relic of the port from Java.
var proj = Projections.ProjectionList()
//projected mapped class property to alias of dto property
.Add(Projections.Property("ProductName"), "ProductName")
.Add(Projections.Property("c.CategoryName"), "CategoryName")
.Add(Projections.Property("UnitsInStock"), "Units");
var result = session.CreateCriteria<Product>("p")
.Add(Restrictions.Gt("UnitPrice", 10m))
.CreateAlias("Category", "c")
.Add(Restrictions.Eq("Category.Id", 2))
Projecting to a DTO: HQL
In Hql, you can either have fun with object arrays, or you have to use a mappings import on the DTO.
IList results = session.CreateQuery(
@"select p.ProductName, c.CategoryName, p.UnitsInStock
from Product p join p.Category c
where p.UnitPrice > 10 and c.Id = 2").List();
foreach (object[] row in results)
string name = (string)row[0];
string category = (string)row[1];
var units = (short)row[2];
var dto = new Northwind.Dto.ProductLite(name, category, units);
//need to import it
//<hibernate-mapping xmlns="urn:nhibernate-mapping-2.2">
// <import class="Northwind.Dto.ProductLite, Northwind" />
var results2 = session.CreateQuery(
@"select new ProductLite(p.ProductName, c.CategoryName, p.UnitsInStock)
from Product p join p.Category c
where p.UnitPrice > 10 and c.Id = 2")
Projecting to a DTO: QueryOver
QueryOver can project to an IList<object> like Hql, which is cast to our type in Linq2Objects:
//queryover and linq to get anonymous type
var result = session.QueryOver<Product>()
.Where(p => p.Category.Id == 2 && p.UnitPrice > 10)
.Select(p => p.ProductName,
p => p.UnitsInStock)
//now normal Linq to turn into anonymous or existing type
.Select(o => new Northwind.Dto.ProductLite
//but we cast manually (careful about nulls)
ProductName = (string)o[0],
Units = Convert.ToInt32(o[1])
This is QueryOver with a group projection (SelectList/ Select...)
//grouped result
var groupedResult = session.QueryOver<Product>()
//use SelectList/Select...
.SelectList(list =>
list.SelectGroup(p => p.Category.Id)
.SelectAvg(p=> p.UnitPrice)
//normal Linq to turn into anonymous or existing type
.Select(o => new
CategoryId = Convert.ToInt32(o[0]),
AveragePrice = Convert.ToInt32(o[1])
Projecting to a DTO: Linq
Linq makes all that ugliness go away. Nirvana.
var linq = from product in session.Query<Product>()
join category in session.Query<Category>()
on product.Category.Id equals category.Id
where product.UnitPrice > 10 && category.Id == 2
select new Northwind.Dto.ProductLite
ProductName = product.ProductName,
CategoryName = category.CategoryName,
Units = Convert.ToInt32(product.UnitsInStock)