ASP Security
- In ASP MVC and WebAPI, use forms or windows authentication with the [Authorize] action filter.
Add it as a global filter (App_Start/FilterConfig.cs) and put a [AllowAnonymous] on the forms login page
Don't use web.config authorization/allow-deny, or location, as it doesn't mix with routing. - See also: WS-Federation (.net 4.5/WIF)
ASP.Net Security
- IIS authentication:
- Anonymous access= IUSER_machinename (i.e. same as ASP).
- Windows login- Basic (clear text), Digest (encrypted) and Windows (NTLM)
- IIS 7+ Windows Authentication vs Chrome/FireFox:
- Authentication-Windows Auth, click Advanced Settings. Turn Extended Protection "Off" (EPA is not supported by Chrome and Firefox)
- Authentication-Windows Auth, click Providers. Select NTLM and "move up" to top of list. Chrome in particular may fail the kerberos, but does not failover to NTLM.
- IIS passes to ISAPI filter- eg aspnet_wp.exe (or w3wp.exe on WServer2003).
- If system.web/identity/@impersonate='false' (default)
- No impersonation= run as ASPNET (or see machine.config's processModel)
- Impersonation= run as IIS user (IUSER_machine or windows login) or system.web/identity/@userName
- Use system.web/authentication/@mode (None, Windows, Forms, Passport).
- If using Windows, set system.web/identity/@impersonate="true" otherwise it won't work.
- If using forms
- set system.web/authorization/deny/@users="?" otherwise it won't work
- system.web/authentication/forms/@loginUrl
- @timeout- default is 30mins, but it refreshes halfway- so 16mins inactivity may kill it...
- @protection="All" (encrypted + validated) - in webfarms, set machine.config machineKey/@validationKey + @decryptionKey
- In code
if (FormsAuthentication.Authenticate(user, pass)) FormsAuthentication.RedirectFromLoginPage(user, isPermaCookie);
(replace first method with database authentication)
(if loginpage== default.aspx then redirect may be to login page... try .GetRedirectUrl instead)
( 2.0 has new Membership class)
- Page.User returns an IPrincipal, with IsInRole and Identity (which is an IIdentity, with AuthenticationType, Name- cast as WindowsIdentity for IsAnonymous etc).
Rights needed for ASPNET process (KB)
IIS | web.config mode | WindowsIdentity | Page.User |
Anon | forms | no impersonate=IUSR_MACHINE impersonate= ASPNET |
formId |
Anon | windows | "" | |
Windows | forms | no impersonate=ASPNET impersonate= domain/user |
formId |
Windows | windows | domain/user |
NB: HttpContext.Current.User != WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent() (unless windows impersonating)
!= COM+ Security Role (ContextUtil.IsCallerInRole() is a different set of roles!
- Page.User
- Empty string if IIS= anonymous + web.config = windows authentication.
- Otherwise form ID (forms auth) or domain/user (win auth)
- WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent()
- IUSR_MACHINE if impersonate + IIS anonymous only
- ASPNET or NETWORK SERVICES if anon/impersonate=true OR windows/impersonate=false
- domain/user if IIS basic/digest/integrated and impersonate=true