Generates properties from a list of names (one per line; use the button to fix up comma separated properties).
Code (properties for C#, VB.Net and VB6; use Templates for a very basic data access class).
SQL (select/insert/update/delete statements - put an asterisk anywhere on the line for a primary key)
You can also generate web markup (HTML as divs or tables, and even asp3).
The input is designed for a simple list of names, or common formats including Create Table DDL. There are no checks for language reserved words, and very simple capitalization/cleaning of names.
If the column datatype is appended (after a space or tab), it tries to work out an appropriate datatype (data length is used for strings; precision/scale is only used for detecting booleans). For code (not C# compact), simple string validators are added is it is a string datatype. Asp.Net also uses the datatype for validators created using Validomatic.
The text " NOT NULL" on the same line (as in DDL) makes string properties mandatory (code properties throw an exception if null or empty string).
C# Compact has less lines than C#, and no validation (for 3.5, just use automatic properties). C# Compact is not silently ignore with Use Templates.
The templates include ado select/insert/updates using datareaders and are only intended for cut'n'paste.
For Oracle: select column_name, data_type || '(' || data_length || data_precision || ',' || data_scale || ')', table_name from USER_TAB_COLUMNS where table_name = 'pubs'; or extract from select dbms_metadata.get_ddl('TABLE','pubs') from dual;